We're a dojo based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where you can learn the Japanese martial arts of Kendo, Tankendo & Iaido, get healthier and just as important; have fun!

Join this free intro class for kendo & learn all about our main martial art. Equipment provided; just bring yourself & your enthusiasm! We will contact you after registration to confirm the next intro class!
*Introduction classes are every 1st Saturday of the month, but you must register first & receive confirmation as places are limited. Introduction classes are subject to change without prior notice.
Minimum age is 10 years old.

IAIDO / 居合道
Iaido is a solo martial art that requires focus. Minimum age to start iaido is 15 years old. If you're interested, just register below, & come by our dojo on Saturdays, 5-6.30pm to observe an iaido class.
You may also message us on Instagram or Facebook, or email us to confirm that classes are on as usual.
If you're interested to start, we will provide a list of places you can get your uniform & equipment from.
KENDO (剣道)
Kendo is a budo (martial way) that aims to forge the mind and body of practitioners and facilitate the development of character through continued keiko (practice).

Tankendo means the “Way of the Short Sword”. It is a budo that is based on traditional Japanese tanken (short sword) techniques.
IAIDO (居合道)
The object of iaido is to learn to draw the sword in an instant to overcome an aggressor. It is a “Way” in which practitioners seek to train the mind and body through developing a spiritual appreciation of the relationship between life and death, movement and stillness.
December 14 & 15, 2024: Internal Kendo Seminar with Kawaguchi-Sensei (kendo 7th Dan)
December 1, 2024: Malaysia Open Kendo Championship (Best Fighting Spirit & Ladies' Team Kaze)
September 8, 2024: 9th Japanese Ambassador's Cup Kendo Championships (Best Fighting Spirit, Hamachidori Alpha)
September 2023: The Japan Expo Malaysia 2023, 15-20th Aug at Pavilion Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur
June 2023: 1st Hamachidori Iaido (Ko-ryū) Seminar with Kuribayashi-sensei (8th Dan from Japan), 23 - 25 June, PAUM Clubhouse
October 2022: Taiiku no Hi (the Japanese Health & Sports Day), 9 Oct at Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur
July 2022: Nihon Matsuri, 27 – 31 July at Stadium Bukit Jalil
July 2020: The (online) Japan Expo Malaysia 2020, 18 - 19 July
September 2019: The first kendo seminar in South-East Asia with Alex Bennett 2019 and guest sensei, Baptiste Tavernier (tankendo)
February 2019: Malaysia representative (men and women) for the All Japan Tankendo Championships at the Nippon Budokan, 30 March. The Malaysia women's team placed in the top 8 teams in the women's category
July 2019: The Japan Expo Malaysia 2019 at Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur (Martial Arts Zone), 26 - 28 July
October 2018: The first ever ASEAN Tankendo Seminar by the All Japan Jukendo Federation (AJJF) from 13 - 14 October.
Kendo, Iaido & Tankendo Instructor
Edwin started kendo in 1990 and attained the level of 6th-dan (6th grade black belt) in 2024. He is also one of the first dan and kyu holders in tankendo in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. He also holds the rank of 5th-dan in iaido, 2nd-dan in tankendo and 1st-dan in jukendo, an allied budo to tankendo. He also holds 2nd dan in AJKF Jodo. Chua-sensei is the dojo master & lead instructor at Hamachidori Dojo. He has participated in several international and ASEAN region kendo competitions and has trained and attended the Kitamoto Kendo Instructors' Seminar in Japan in 1997, 2002, 2012. Edwin was part of the team that organised the first Southeast Asia seminar for tankendo in October 2018, represented Malaysia at the All Japan Tankendo Championships at the Nippon Budokan in 2019 and placed Top 16 in the men's team category. He also demonstrated the tankendo kata at the opening ceremony of the said Championship. He was one of three Malaysian representatives in the 1st Jukendo International Seminar 2018 in Yokosuka, Japan.
Tankendo Instructor
CH jumped into kendo in 2014 in Kuala Lumpur and went into tankendo in 2017. He was part of the team that organised the first Southeast Asia seminar for tankendo in October 2018. CH is also one of the first in Malaysia and Southeast Asia to hold the ranks of dan and kyu in tankendo. He currently holds the rank of 1st-dan in tankendo, as well as the rank of 3rd-dan in kendo. As a martial arts enthusiast, he also practices jukendo - which is an allied budo to tankendo, where he holds the rank of 1st-kyu. He represented Malaysia at the All Japan Tankendo Championships at the Nippon Budokan in 2019 and placed Top 16 in the men's team category and was one of three Malaysian representatives in the 1st Jukendo International Seminar 2018 in Yokosuka, Japan.
Tankendo Instructor
Kelly started kendo in 2012 in Kuala Lumpur and discovered tankendo in 2016. She is one of the first dan and kyu holders for tankendo in Malaysia and Southeast Asia and currently holds the rank of 2nd-dan in tankendo. Kelly also practices jukendo, an allied budo to tankendo, where she holds the rank of 1st-kyu. She represented Malaysia at the All Japan Tankendo Championships at the Nippon Budokan in 2019 and placed Top 8 in the women's team category and was one of three Malaysian representatives in the 1st Jukendo International Seminar 2018 in Yokosuka, Japan. She currently holds the rank of 1st-dan in kendo.
Monday / 月曜日
7.00pm - 9.00pm: Kendo
Thursday / 木曜日
7.00pm - 9.00pm: Kendo
Saturday / 土曜日
3.00pm - 5.00pm: Kendo
5.00pm - 6.30pm: Iaido
Hamachidori reserves the right to change the above schedule. Please contact us either via Instagram or Facebook Messenger if you have any enquiries.
FIND US AT / 所在地:
PAUM Clubhouse
10476, Jalan Susur Damansara, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Our Background & Philosophy

Hamachidori Dojo was setup in June 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, with the intention of providing a safe, fun place to learn the Japanese martial arts of kendo, tankendo and iaido.
Martial arts is a challenging subject to learn for anyone, but richly rewarding. Because of that, at the core of our mission, lies our commitment to providing an engaging, respectful and rewarding place to learn. And more importantly, to build friendships within and beyond Malaysia.
Explore our diverse course schedule, and get in touch with our team to join a free trial class.